// - A Different Mood ]] (x_dfmood.it)
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excalibur music a song by nature greets to: thunderstrike.jay.neophite.dirtbag.morphine.blowbrain.screes. phaeton.K303.wildcard.alvak.cheezer.xam.cuckoo.phoncie.freejack. mekx.the_undertaker.x-it.armadon.coyote.all scener guys i forgot and to all guys in the folowing groups : excalibur.rbi.dtn.(xpl).blt etc.etc.etc.etc. this is my entry for the BMP music compo 2. Category 2. vote for me if you like this song. Also vote for me if you don't like it :) Last time was a bit of a sad song. This one is made in ' a different mood '. That explains the title i think. c-ya...... nature^exc (c)1998
_________________________ &&&&&& & & &&& & & & & & & && & &&& && & & & & & & & & & & &&&&&& & & &&& ------------------------- Excalibur '98 -=presents=- ^ a song by Nature ^ // - A Different Mood ]] Yeah, my 4th release for exc, and my first one as full member ! Oh yeah ! gimme feed- back ... if ya like it, or if ya don't like it. To: Future Dimenzion +31 (0)77-3829675 e-mail: waanders_euronet.nl Song stuph: composer - nature^exc dur8tion - 4:12 min. bpm - 149 style - trance samples - 16 quality - 8/16 bits, 44khz. -play this on an awe64, for the best result. A gus will do fine too a sb16 not... (too much clicks) ----------------------- Only play in IT 2.14. no cubic, cause this song uses NNA's ! This song is a bit short, but i don't care! why should i? but, tell me how you guys like my musix! (see above for feedback) This one is also my entry for the BMP Music compo 2, category 2 (trance music). Also, do download the exc-info.exe file... at: ftp://skynet.stack.nl/ pub/demos/excalibur and read the news in that file ! also.. i heared that thunderstrike will do sum upgrades to our homepage (i don't know the adress but read the exc-info file !;) ) i wish all sceners a happy newyear... i think '97 was great... well.. hope '98 will be phun too ! See you at Ambience 98! (c) 1998 excalibur bongo1.16 bongo2.16 tr909.crash.Jay.16 housesnare.Mph.16 csx1.piano.awe32.Mekx.16 rimshot.K303.16 tr909.snaredrum.Jay.16 trancebassdrum.K303.16 hihat.open.K303.8 tr909.hihat.closed.Jay.8 acidsound.K303.16 tb303.analogue.phoncie.8 violinsynth.Mph.16 strings.?.16 hihat.open.splinter.16 claps.K303.8 # Credits to all guys i used samples from ! - jan. '98 (nature) - jan. '98 (excalibur)
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