D&G by Rotello (ro_d_and_g.xm)
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Rotello / Mjolnir release for BMP COMPO 2 ---------------------- D & G ---------------------- Off coz D&G doesnt stand for Dolce and Gabba_na but for Dutch and German gabba... I wanted to make all disgusted my Xm so this trax is a combination between Gabber, Hartkore ending in Nasty extreme speedcore So i m sure u ll not like at least one part :-) need some more info : Name : D & G kind : Gabba,Hc,speed Bpm : from 220 up last on : 19.02.98 dur8ion : 6min15sec by : Rotello sample: most ripped :) Look at my site http:/ www.geocities.com/ SunsetStrip/ /Towers/4835 or send flames to s664359_students. uni-bocconi.it greets fly to: Zuid Rat ,Errorist GabbaZee Nex , SimonU , Pangea Ingo,Trauma,DjVince , Luka Makina GabbaT T-bulli,Tino,Polter, Blaster , Makina all at BBP DCR Micheal 4 d/ l my modz and of coz BMP for this KOMPO !!!!! Ps i dont have hope to win ... but some feedback is and will always be appreciated P.P.S Whatta do ya thinka of ta speedcore Do u like it ? I think It s thefuture of Hard . . . Fuck commercialshit FREE AD FOR ME ! If someone organize party and want a CHEAP live PA ... I m HERE write at the adress above . . . i ve a lot of unreleas track in my Hd . . . enough . Ciao signin and fucking ye off . . . NEXT : BE READY FOR ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ o0 Milano`98 0o. MjolnirTerrorTeam home base : http:// www.geocities.com/ /SunsetStrip/ /Towers/4835 base by ? Nex Bassdrum #1 closedhat.909pack 909oh2_p.usm (no heade Xoldog01.wav sample by Rotello Dedicatd.wav by Dune sampled by DAX .kown.as. ??? Stg_ro1.wav from ARXFILE by Laurent ho fukked with KoolEdit _Rotello anywhere loop _Lenny Dee & HCWARRIOR sampled by Rotello .CiRCUit.bREAkER. ??? core rotello Fuc_hcaa.wav fucking deathcore _Dj tron Well, this is not real .samples.f-14.made.by. ??? Snare.raw Scream1.raw Technolrod ? Hak3_002.ifffrom FT2de _Pino ambini sampled by Freeze Hak3_002.iff as above Hak3_002.iff as above Hak3_002.iff as above Hak3_002.iff as above
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