Infernal Orgies (cadaver_-_infernal_orgies.xm)
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Bass Drumkit CleanGtr Single DistGtr Muted DistGtr PwChord DistGtr Pick Slide Infernal Orgies --------------- Part 1: Thru the forest path under a fullmoon, to the clearing. Part 2: Summoning the horned one with evil spells and inverted Lord's Prayer. Part 3: A perverted dance around the cauldron while the demon looks on. Part 4: The demon chooses one of the occultists into an act of the flesh. Part 5: The orgies are interrupted by the arrival of the armies of heaven. The occultists summon more demons to battle them. Part 6: The battle. The black breath of the demons blackens the moon- light. Angels fall like flies. Pathetic humans try to run but are slaughtered one by one. The ending: The demonbreath fades and the sun slowly rises, to reveal the many angelcorpses and dead humans. Every single body has been misused, mutilated and disemboweled. Tracked by Cadaver during 22nd-23rd February 1998. Total time taken: about 6 hours. Dedicated to Lanttu who didn't like "Lampaan Tuska" :-) Hähähähä! Greets: Carnifex Kuunvarjo Dominus Yehar Lanttu Galahad Samael Tarantula Suffering! E A d g c1 f1 Kick Snare Tom Hh1 Hh2 Hh3 Crashp1 Ride3 A d g h e1 A d g h A d g
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