Snuskig Robot (asikwuspulse_-_snuskigrobot.mptm)
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Direkt från Snuskplattan "Snusk av Snuskrobotar Vol.1", inspelad av snuskrobotar från Lövhult Snuskrobotar Inc., kommer "Snuskig Robot", där K.A.R.L. eller Kalle snuskrobot utrycker sina djupaste känslor i form av en Eurodance-låt. Av ASIKWUSpulse Komponerad av I. Wüst (ASIKWUSpulse) Datum: 2018/04/03 ===================================================================================================================== BEWARE! This module uses VOMP YM2151 VST by Sam, so you'll need both the plugin and a tracker that supports vsts otherwise, no bass :( Straight outa' "Snusk av Snuskrobotar Vol.1", recorded by filthy-bots from Lovhult filthy-bots Inc., comes "Snuskig Robot", where K.A.R.L. or Kal filthy-bot expresses his deepest feelings through a Eurodance-tune. By ASIKWUSpulse Composed by I. Wüst (ASIKWUSpulse) Date: 2018/04/03
26514_altemark_bd28 26699_altemark_sn26 26520_altemark_ch01 26545_altemark_ch26 26643_altemark_oh01 CRASH1 Bass Piano PianoHit 7m PianoHit 7Mj Sine Röst Clap Ride LF Snare LF Bongo Attack-Sawtooth Swell-Sawtooth 26514_altemark_bd28 26699_altemark_sn26 26520_altemark_ch01 26545_altemark_ch26 26643_altemark_oh01 CRASH1 M1_Piano_F#4 PianoHit2 PianoHit3 Sine Wave SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text SnuskigRobot-text Clap 05 RIDE1 LF-Snare 4 Standard CMOS Saw 3
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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