I'll Be There For You (prj372136212918.mptm)
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Project 392136212918 90's Inspired Track. VST DirectX 12 WavesReverb TDR Nova EQ August 5th 2018 ©2018, SAKAE Records
Trance Gate Drums PIANO [pedal2 DX Bass Rising SpectraPad Saw noise down noise up 44100HzPulse025 43447HzPulse025 Trance Gate basskick2 Claps Crash Ride Cymbal Closed Hi-Hat Drumatic Snare 909snare FLPiano C3 FLPiano F#3 FLPiano C4 FLPiano F#4 FLPiano C5 FLPiano F#5 FLPiano C6 FLPiano F#6 DRGNBASS Rising SpectraPad [unknown] noise noise 44100HzPulse025 43447HzPulse025
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
very good module, so trancy!