Ojoj (asikwp_-_ojoj.mptm)
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Ojoj by ASIKWUSpulse Composed by I. Wüst (ASIKWUSpulse) This tune was quite hard to perfect. It was close to be left on the shelf and was rewritten once. I still see some parts that didn't came out as I wanted, but have no clue how to make them better, so it's better left as is. It sounds perfect in it's current state :) Think it sure has a big bubblegum-dance feel, similar to some songs on those mixtape-CDs my preschool had... Haha now I'm just chatting ^.^ Date: 2018/08/30
Drums Accentbass 2 Bas Saw Pad 1 Lead Dulcimer Trag Pad SevnSeq VoxSht Square(Duty25%) Kick Tight Verb Snare Closed Hi-hat 2 Open Hi-hat 2 Crash Crash 2 Acou.Bass 2 Studio Tom Snr14-MediaHype Pick Bass D1 Wave91 ChorSaw1 Dlcmr F#2 Trag Pad Casio-SeventhSeq Synvocal untitled untitled untitled untitled
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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