Desolation Road (desroad.s3m)
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Chords.ORGANS!!!.Min Azr Chords.ORGANS!!!.Maj Azr Chords.Orchestra.3 Sk Chords.OpenSweep JGi Drums.TR909.Hihat.Closed ?? Drums.TR909.Hihat.Open ?? Drums.Snare.11 ?? Drums.Kick.3 ?? Drums.Korg.Woodblock ?? Drums.Tambourine ?? Drums.TR909.Kick.2 ?? Leads.Marimba ?? Leads.Plow ?? Low.Bass.11 MiG Low.DX7.Growl (-0.1 Hz) ?? Low.DX7.Growl ?? Phase.Wirp.1 Azr Phase.Wirp.2 Azr Phase.Wirp.3 Azr Phase.Wirp.4 Azr Phase.Wirp.5 Azr Phase.Wirp.6 Azr Phase.Wow.5 ?? Phase.Wow.6 ?? Voice.Welcome MiG Voice.nosrePneerG MiG Voice.OurTown MiG Voice.PeachTrees MiG Voice.10kTon MiG --------------------------- "Desolation Road" (c) MiG / Weird Magic Main body tracked in the night of 26/27 feb '96 for the X96 music-compo. Screw me once more like those TP5-wankers did and some people will die >(... I forgot to sign my entry- form, so they technically they didn't have my authori zation to release "Astroid Belt"... But they *did*, so I had to write a new tune for X96... Very annoying. Oh well, had to write this tune anyway ;)... Thnx to Mellow-D for some last-minute tips |)... Email: m.a.helsloot_ Grtz, MiG ---------------------------
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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