MindCaves by MiG *94* :) (mndcav.s3m)
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Low.Smooth MD Low.Threat MD SawSynth.Major.1 ?? SawSynth.Minor.1 ?? SawSynth.Arrested.1 ?? SawSynth.Arrested.2 ?? SawSynth.Major.2 ?? Orchestra.3 PM Leads.Screech LK Leads.Nice ?? Leads.Maso ?? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = So long and thanks for = = all the samples = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Drums.Smudge Me Drums.Cymbal.Rev Me Drums.JarHit Me Drums.SQ1.False.2 Me Drums.Nits.TinDrum Me Drums.JarTick.4 Me Drums.Techno.Base MD Drums.Techno.Snare MD Drums.Techno.HiHat.1 MD Drums.Techno.Hihat.2 MD Drums.Techno.Snare+Base MD Low.Phase3.1 LK Low.Phase3.2 LK Low.Phase3.3 LK Low.Phase3.4 LK Low.Phase3.5 LK Low.Phase3.6 LK Low.Phase3.7 LK Low.Phase3.8 LK Low.Phase3.9 LK Low.Phase3.10 LK Low.Phase3.11 LK MindCaves By M¡G in 1994 Originally Composed for a MegaDemo by Wεïτδ Magic, But the release wouldn't be within a year... :} FileDate: June 7th 1994 Thnx to Mellow-D, Purple Motion and LizardKing for some... eh well.. most of the samples :}. Some of the drums are my own, feel free to use them, but please credit me for them. Greetz to: The RamCrammer, Mr.Logic, NothingFace, TcM, Dα Ch¡εf, Jazz/DFN, Zteel, IntelFace, Samurai, Gimle, Profane (ask Gimle why ;), Prime, Razorback, Stormy, Breeze, Prima Septa, Fusty, Zymotic and SqD (How dare you to win the Bizarre Compo with a tune like that!?!? Sounds great BTW! ;). p.s. It's been a year and a half since I wrote this tune... I don't think it'll be usable anymore for a demo... The people I greeted are people I chatted with at the time... Most of them I lost contact with...
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Almost 10 minutes (intro is about 2 minutes 30 seconds long)! The main part has been lost in such a long electronic piece.