Rainfall Downtown (rainfall.mtm)
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Hey! Here's the second musical product from Spud. This song was finished in a real hurry to get it in before the NAID 95 music compo deadline, so it's a rush job. Too bad. If you don't like this song, you most likely wouldn't like R-SEQUEN.MTM. It can be found on ftp.eng.ufl.edu or on anything that's got MC][ stuff on it. Anyhow, watch out for the CALGARY music disk, which has got to be the best in music that a city has produced. Seattle doesn't count. Greets go out to all Calgary musicians and to anyone who's heard my music and cared. More specifically, all of the Calgary crew. Fido me at 1:134/40 as Steve Leung. Spud signing off.... Calgary, Alberta, CANADA! April 95
String Bass Synth Bass HiHat Closed Orchestra Hit Guitar Hit HiHat Open Short Whoosh Drum Loop 1 Drum Loop 2 Drum Loop 3 HiHat Open Soft Sharp Snare Crash Cymbal Synth Lead Squarewave Synth Soft Tom Snare 2 Composed and Tracked By Spud A.K.A. Steve Leung (c)1995 Please play in MMEDIT. Nothing else seems to play this song just right. Oh, and I hope you have a GUS too. ALT-F9 for songmessage SPUD
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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