The Mountain (melodia_-_the_mountain.xm)
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Melodia of Digitallusions Presents: A Mistigris Release, The Mountain. Ambient Dance Released for Christmas 1996. E-Mail: ua770_freenet. Homepage Address: http://www.geocities. com/SunsetStrip/5727/ Greetings to: Cthulu, Nitnatsnoc, Mavrik, and all the other members of MiST. To read the story behind this music file, go to: http://www.geocities. com/SunsetStrip/Alley/ 5218/mountain.html Cya 'round... =) Strings: Major Bass: Monster Perc: High Tom Bass: BassAcc Bass: HumLoop Piano: Bass Piano: Alto Piano: Soprano Piano: Major Perc: RaveBass 909.ophihat Perc: RaveSnare hihat-open Perc: PowerRhythm Composed and sequenced Perc: SnareDrum Perc: Crash Perc: BassDrum5 Perc: Snare7 flute.patch Perc: Toms tez1 tez3 tez4 tez5 tez6 Guitar: AirWail hihat-open
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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