Shepherd Of Goats (cadaver_-_shepherd_of_goats.xm)
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Drumkit Bass Goatbass Goatguitar Goatguitar Sweeper.pat Choir.pat Timpani.pat Vocals Vocals " Shepherd of Goats " Slow evil black metal by Cadaver 9/2000. lyrics: SearchingForChoices InLife'sEndlessMaze TryingToFindContrast ToTheDrowningGrey ForcesPullingInBoth DirectionsButTheWhite IsConsumingMustStay Away ShepherdOfGoats WillYouLeadUsToHell WeFollowYouOnThe LeftHandPath ShepherdOfGoats NowLeadUsToHell MarchingTowards ThePromisedLand ForIncarnationsToCome IHaveChosenMyFate ProudlyIHailMyMaster InHisNameIWill Desecrate RisingHighAbove TheMediocrity EverythingIsClear InTheBlackLight FaustianSpiritIs GuidingUsAll InOurJourneyThruThis EvilNight LetUsDrinkToThe OneWithHorns LetTheWeakWear TheirCrownOfThorns For greetings see the release " 300 Days of the BOFH ", I'm too lazy to write them twice on the same day :-) 22nuija7.wav Snare2.wav 10tom.wav 12tom.wav 14tom.wav Hihat3.wav Hihat4.wav Crash1.wav Crash2.wav Ride3.wav Goatdi~1.wav Goatdi~1.wav Goatdi~1.wav Goatdi~1.wav Goatdi~1.wav Goatdi~1.wav Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp Guit6bit.smp NoName NoName NoName Vocs.wav Vocs.wav Vocs.wav Vocs.wav Vocs6bit.smp Vocs6bit.smp Vocs6bit.smp
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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