Ask I'll Listen (ask.s3m)
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The Good StuffSummary
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ako-gibson-b1 low.drum s.bass.d1 drum2 drum1 low-drum tds.bottom.1 hihat.2 drum3 dare.drum1 cymbal bassdrum drum1.rev drum2.rev ako-gibamp1 hc.git1 .....AskI'llListen..... ...By Akolade... ...Of Future Shock... Song finished June 12/95 Began this one a few months ago. the first part was originally created on my Gibson guitar, later put into this form and then progressed into whatever it has become. This is my first release in over 7 months!! I've been busy with too many things to finish any songs. ...this song was originally going to be a guitar song but ended up more of some type of chip song with big drums....check out the panning efx with dmp!! Greets! -Achilles Thunderstryke -Laurent (hows France??) -DraYgen/Pure Resistance ...and greets to all TDH regulars of course! if you like or hate this song then email me about it at: also looking for work, so contact me! "Life is much more exciting now with the fact that I have no future!" ...Future Shock WILL release their mega-project this summer! look for CYPS! ..and a big fuckings out to Handerek gulegule bud!!!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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