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-=DjaX=- P R E S E N T CHILDREN Date: 22-23.3.99 Time: 8:34 Tracked in: 5 hours Toto je mus prepis Children z Milesova Dreamlandu Sorry ze to uplne nesedi, ale delal jsem to zpameti GreetZ goes to: Axe Coro Dysmusax Guru MDee Hippo C. Bestie Longas Terezka Mario Jana P. Zandl Kvetinka Dj Trava Aifell Ramon Zenker Nosie Katzmann and the others.... ========================= Ja jsem se tak trochu nudil, tak jsem si musel spravit naladu FAKT pora- dnou komercarnou. Hippo at mi promine....... Jinak to ale ujde, ne? ========================= Pokud nekdo se mnou chcete delat muziku, tak se ozvete. Martin Simon K.Sedlaka 1221 Litovel 784 01 0603-781-808
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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