dippy_-_groove_machine.it (dippy_-_groove_machine.it)
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PulsatorLead 21-PipeReaverLead Acibass MGSquare-375 (by ASIKWUSpulse) 379515__stixthule__drone- SpeedingUp_PWM_10kHz kick snare hat cymball cymbalr tink cowbell-ish thing House_PianoChords1 House_PianoChords2 House_PianoChords3 House_PianoChords4 pulsating square PulsatorLead 21-PipeReaverLead Acibass MGSquare-375 (by ASIKWUSpulse) 042 379515__stixthule__drone- SpeedingUp_PWM_10kHz (by ASIKWUSpulse) (by ASIKWUSpulse) (by ASIKWUSpulse) (by ASIKWUSpulse) (by ASIKWUSpulse) House_PianoChords1 House_PianoChords2 House_PianoChords3 House_PianoChords4 untitled SpeedingUp_PWM_10kHz
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Lol I can verify that this module is made by dippy, just in case and TBC if author-confusion arises because of the sample names i.e. (by ASIKWUSpulse) - the samples are provided by me. Good chippy stuff overall