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+--------------------------------+ | L a t e I n s p i r a t i o n | +-+----------------------------+-+ |by Liam the lemming/Mach One| +----------------------------+ This is unusual for me; a tune that doesn't stick to one beat. :} It's also rotten timing. I should have entered this tune in MC4 instead of that godawful piece of garbage I christene% (&&~%() &_)`(^%)("_NO CARRIER Yikes, that was close. ;) Greets to everyone except Kal Zakath COS HIS INTERVIEW WITH ME WASN'T IN TRAXWEEKLY 64. Huh. :P Special greets to gd of course, for having the courage to organize MC4. <gd> la la la ...Poor gd. Never mind, Brett, there's only another, uh, month and a bit of the contest to go. :} <gd> wvgheovgbuohrewbvorbvfouiewrvbh Uhm. That didn't help, did it? <gd> twinkle twinkle little star Apparently not. :} NOTE: If you know which of the MC4 veteran entries is mine, MAIL ME at: ...cos I want you to tell me what exactly gave it away. I've been told I've developed my own "style", and I'm still baffled as to what gives my tune that distinctive (?) "lemm"-ish quality. :} [waits patiently, no mail turns up] Doh... /kick #trax * MAIL ME NOW damnit :) Bye for now... werd to tracking compos. :) ________________ Liam the lemming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bassdrum Snare Closed Hihat Opened Hihat Duneish Drum Crash Hypnoman Lead Flute Lead Pizzacato Piano Stubbass Random Noice Harpwave Basswave Bass Sawsynth Rez . Rez .. Rez ... Rez .... Jazzlead Tom String tt15. SaxLead Bassdrum Snare Closed Hihat Opened Hihat Crash Hypnoman Lead Pizzacato Piano Random Noice Bass Sawsynth Rez . Rez .. Rez ... Rez .... Jazzlead Tom String tt15. SaxLead smpcreds vivid, radix, dune zalt, .thetrackeringsexton.
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