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Pretzelstock (arc-pretzelstock.it)

Info Summary

  • arc-pretzelstock.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 446.58KB in size and has been downloaded 595 times since Sun 24th Jan 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191138
  • Downloads: 595
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 6f0a831a1455332a596e320905ed0361
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 15
  • Uncompressed Size: 446.58KB
  • Genre: Rock - Hard

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Composed in November 1996.

One of my best friends from high school (who went by the alias Pretzel) was having a big party. It was going to feature music, food, video games, and any other thing our nerdy group liked to do when we got together. The party was called Pretzelstock.

Pretzel needed an anthem for this party, so he asked me to compose it. At the time, I was the foremost composer among our group of friends. Several of them dabbled in it, and of course Pretzel was starting to do some music himself. But I was the most enthusiastic about it, and so I was happy to oblige. In the long-term, of course, Pretzel ended up being the strongest musician, and still makes music today, as you can hear from his SoundCloud.

So, I got to work. And I knew right from the beginning what I was going to need for the Pretzelstock anthem was GUITARS. And I really went overboard on them. I used not one, but two electric guitar sample sets - one fairly standard, and one more heavy metal. And for fun, I also threw in the guitar sample that I first used in Segue and used frequently up until this point. I had identified that as my favorite guitar sample in a few songs, and it was, but I believe Pretzelstock was the last time I used it.

The result: A really noisy, guitar-based anthem. I’m pretty sure I made this in a single session - a practice that was common in my early days of tracking, but was increasingly rare as time progressed. This song was better in my memories than it is now, because as I listen to it I realize what a loud mess it was. For some reason I conflate it with Uruguayan Gnat Farmer-Arc in my mind - probably because I composed them around the same time, they share the same bassline (along with SciFi Trade²), and I intended to announce the winner of the UGF contest at Pretzelstock (which never ended up happening). In retrospect, while Pretzelstock had a more original melody, UGF was better in every other respect.

The issue with the song was that I kept on adding to it - whenever there was a new guitar track, I just added it to the pile, rather than taking anything out or adjusting volume. The result was my noisiest track since Drum Solo, and I don’t think I made a track this excessively loud again afterward. I don’t know how I’m going to remix this in Renoise without taking stuff out.

The party itself went off without a hitch, everybody had fun, and I won the Dukematch contest (tournament to see who was best at Duke Nukem 3D death matches). So all in all, it was a worthwhile event.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *


Fake Dulcimer
Reveresed Cymbal
Metal Guitar
Snappy Snare
Guitar Lead
Fake Dulcimer
Reveresed Cymbal
Metal Guitar
Snappy Snare
Guitar Lead

Arcturus Presents........

|                    |
| retzelstock

Time:  3:34
Date:  November 7, 1996

Pretzlestock is here!
November 9!  Be there!

Finally, a theme song
for Pretzelstock!  Phil
asked me to do this
earlier this evening.
Not bad, eh?  :)

(c) 1996 Quasar

Shift+f9 for web page!

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