c40_introduction.xm (c40_introduction.xm)
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by C40 AMIGA -------------------- this is by far the best mod i have ever created -------------------- hope ya enjoy this h a r d t e c h n o -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- you still here? -------------------- well i guess have an email to get to me by! well i dont have a public email so take this then. -------------------- https://www.youtube .com/channel/ UC-dh3deQvpAh7wN9r -pcpig just copy paste all of it to your browser :D by s.l.l/kefrens '92 -------------------- multimegamix iii clap.wav reversecrash.wav hooman.wav Tecno-Pumpvoice2
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Pretty awesome :D Keep up the good work :)