aryx (aryx.s3m)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 1st May 2014
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most epic song of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a wild comparison, but it sounds like something that would play in a VVVVVV custom level.
first mod i've ever heard and got me into this hobby. Absolute masterpeice.
Good music, but it ends a bit ugly...
One of my favorite S3Ms.
I met her from "The 5GHz Project" by Tom's Hardware.
Every once in a while someone uses this track as background music making custom levels for my favorite 90s style platformer, It's so catchy, gets stuck in my head every time.
I first heard this song, strangely enough, in a WebGL tech demo game called 'Teach Me To Fly'. I later learned its name when it was used as the loading song in an animutation by Dwedit called 'Suzukisan!'. What a strange way to discover such an awesome song like this. Nonetheless, I then discovered it was an S3M by reading up on its Fanimutation Wiki article that it used to be an OpenMPT example song.
And now we're here.
This song is amazing. It's structured well. The percussion is very great with that echo-ish snare and that kick and those cymbals are cool as well. That droning bass, as well as that little square-wave part of the rhythm, adds to the electronic feel of the song. This feel is as if the song was part of some suspicious computer program, but for some reason, you want to keep listening. The melody is a bit too repetitive, though, and nothing is really added to it, and there's no extension to it.
However, on top of all of this, the entire S3M is only 20.8 kilobytes. This was not only very good back in 1995 when songs like these were being passed around on floppies and BBSes and the early internet, but it's also good now as downloading this song would be practically no issue on today's hundreds-of-gigabytes-big hard drives or very fast 4G wi-fi.
A classic 90's techno tune that I like. This song was in the example folder from the older ModPlug Trackers and in a video of someone on Tom's Hardware overclocking a Pentium 4 to 5GHz.
I can't help but call this song the 5GHz song ;)
Wow, this track takes me back! I remember this being one of the key examples of a well made module!
Listening to it today it's just as good as it was when I first heard it. Since I've been going through some of the old modules I've made over the years (some as old as from 1993) you start to realize a lot of old modules don't age well. Tracks like Aryx are the exception.
This track loops well, the samples are clean as hell! I had a lot of samples in my library that, no matter what, you always had some hiss or pop in them, mostly due to the nature of how you made them Analog to digital recording, bad cables, etc., So Karsten was ahead of the curve, and likely had a nice PC with decent sound hardware when he made this!
I could listen to it on loop for hours and not get tired of it, that's how good this track is... It's Legend!
One of my very favorite tracker musics :)
I found an AdLib Gold arrangement of this tune which also sounds great:
First heard this as demo song for ModPlug Tracker. Great stuff using single waveform samples for an ultra-tiny module.
Probably one of the songs that got me into OpenMPT. It's a classic but gotta love the drum line/samples in this s3m tune. Let me add, that lead melody is sweet to the ears, especially with headphones.
This is a masterpiece! Small in size, big in sound, energetizing, simple techno-trance melody, but great style, tracking and originality presented in this Space Tracker module.
Very good MOD. A bit too much trance/techo style imho.
Wow! Good Techno Music! This S3M is tracked in 1995. And I love it so much! Great Job! P.S. This song is an example song used in ModPlug Tracker 1.16.
I have only one complaint with this mod: it ends rather abruptly - I guess I'd say it is too short. But in every other way it's an excellent example of a MOD. Good melody, great techno sound, very creative, and tiny too!
Oh man, where do I begin? This song is awesome.
I was amazed by how much great sound was put into 20kb, since modules of similar quality tend to be 200kb .
This was the song that inspired me to learn how to use a tracker.
Maybe the most known MOD of all times.
Perfect example of making a mod using only what a simple tracker can offer.
I personally have listen to this mod hours and hours
((good companion for reading or programming, working or whatever:)))
My first knowledge of tracker-composing tricks came from this song. first choise in mod list when used to play Eitris(if anybody understands what i mean :)) I ll give 10 to this mithic song :))
Wow! every time I listen to this song I get a smile cus it's so fast and has so much techno awesomeness. K. Koch did some crazy tracking to make this one, and it's so cool I learnt to play it on guitar!
this one's very old but very cool =) the melodies maybe are not the best but on the technical side, it's breakthrough. the chipsounds sound very advanced due to layering... my respect...
A classic module. It's so tiny but has such a big sound! Totally overwhelming if you ask me. Plus, the techno sounds really make me going nuts :D
No wonder why it was included in many Trackers as an example song! It's technically very advanced and also very nice to listen to!
I never would have expected the filesize to bee this low for this song. I thought is was somewhere around 200 kb when I first heard it, but only 20 kb? Wow! The song is a bit short and boring, so no 10, but nice song.
First of all, I'm going to start this review by saying how apalled I was at the prior review of this song, which was brief, inaccurate, and lowballed. Now for the review... Musically, this song has the distinction of having a superlative melody, for being ultrafast techno (circa 1995). It rocks from the get-go, and is a very repeatable listen despite the fact it is a brief and repetetive song, due to how the simplistic samples are manipulated throughout the song to give them a rich and varying tenor. Aryx has the honor of being the ModPlug player pack-in song for good reason - it's good, it's small, and it is a tutorial in itself if you download a tracker and give it a once-over. This song is one of the many examples of Karsten's tracking expertise (Chronologie, Leaving All Behind, and The Hidden Empire are all case-in-points), and it is a neat little toon that has lot's of superlative tracking tricks that caught me off guard. What Karsten does is use a tremolo effect - duplicating the same note and sample in another sound channel to richen the sound, and he also takes two different samples which are essentially the same sample with a slight variation in pitch and overlays them in alternating stereo channels, which richens the sound even further - accomplishing effects few mod composers have ever dreamed of.
Internal Texts *
k.koch 29.03.95 Time: 2:21 ___________________________ Tune composed using Space Tracker 1.0 BETA ___________________________
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Another absolute classic tune. Amazing for its size, I have been listening to this one for many many years -- very catchy. Worth a listen too if you love techno.