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Please enjoy the message. I typed it especially for you, curious reader. ;)
Remixed by Tangerine in 1999. No "(c)" here :) At last! This tune is finished! I'm tired of it and want to prepare for New Year 2000 party. Enough stupidity :) Greetings to The SandS: we are 5 years old now. (text typed 31.12.1999) *** Released at DiHaLT 2005 Mus. Alt. Mult. Thanks to organizers for allowing remixes :) *** Hello all in 2005! And now the whole story of this piece. Long time ago (heh :), somewhere in 1999 there was a FidoNet community fido7sound. And some people put tunes of different quality there, very different. Remixes also were popular at that time. And remixes of Russian pops were among the most awful things. And one day my friend Manwe/SandS decided to teach those careless remixers how to do The Right Thing. (hi Manwe!:) And he took samples from one very ugly remix of Russian pop song, that was actively rotated on the radio that time. So, he made a re-remix to show fido7sound people how should sound a proper tune of this kind. And then I heard his version, and said: "Hey! You could do much more with this piece of crap! You changed the music, but why not to change words? They are stupid, but we can play with samples and make the tune finally, incredibly, absolutely stupid". "Then you do it" - he said. And I actually did. What you hear now is a re-re-remix of a silly dance song that was known in 1999, but now is forgotten. That means, a joke might not be funny anymore. For those who are interested in the original, please refer to samples 01-07. Greetings to all who still remember those times and fido7sound. tangerine_online.ru www.music-for-games.com
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