Under Laziness (underlaz.it)
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BassVoice StringsFlangered VoiceString StringsMinor PadKorg DrumSnareHigh DrumSnareLow DrumSnareLoud DrumReverb DrumBassLow DrumBassHigh DrumBreak PercussionTambourine PercussionShakerLoop PercussionBongoHigh PercussionBongoLow PercussionShakerShort PercussionWood PercussionCongaLow EffectFalling EffectStorm EffectHelmet EffectBass EffectCrack Noise BassRadio BassWahWah BassFlangered BassCutOff (c) Manwe/SandS 1999 www.sands.da.ru manwe_demoscene.ru Greets to all friends: don't be sad and lazy ;)
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