Winter Etude. (or-wintr.xm)
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====================== Orlando // Soundflood ====================== Winter Etude. Finished: 09.12.2001 Total time: 2min06sec After years of sequencing, I finally composed an old-style song. It reminds me of '98, when I was working in FT2 and composing melancholic songs like that :) One more option for the title was: Autumn in Saratov (part II) /me greetz nobody visit or send emails to: orlando<AT> FIDO: 2:5053/35.19 M. Orlov (C) 2001 Saratov, Russia or.synth.string.16bit gus.slow.synth.16bit or.low.synth.16bit ds.solo.piano.16bit ds.cymbal.ride.16bit ds.closed.hat.16bit ds.bass.drum.16bit ds.snare.16bit or.snare.16bit or.tambourine.16bit ds.tom.rev.16bit or.cymbal.crash.16bit ds.cymbal.roll or.warm.pad.16bit or.phantazie.16bit dv.string.short
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Шикарно. Прям отдаёт некоторой мелодией какого-нибудь грустного шансона, и это хорошо! Ну а также отлично подходит под зимнюю атмосферу.