Meat Bingo (
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Meat Bingo by 5iNtek Industries First thought of: February 1999 Completed: April 1999 This song, in my opinion, is my first successful song. I've created a few before this, but I don't think any of them could compare. All samples have been ripped from other songs, credit has been given (look under the SAMPLES.) If you're the owner of Tom, please send me an e-mail to me for credit. If you don't want your sample in this song because you think it's the worst thing you've ever heard, also e-mail me. I'll replace it with something. Well, what can I say? Nothing much. This song was almost released a month ago, when I realized how repetitive it was. I added the piano solo, and longer intro, and changed the drumbeat. It sounded nicer. This is the version without vocals, which explains 036-041. Meat Bingo is constantly under construction, so if you stop by in about a month, there will probably be a new better version. Best experienced with ModPlug Player, with just a little reverb, no surround, and Bass Expansion. Impulse Tracker works, though there is noticeable distortion on patterns 75-82. Tell me what you think, and you could win a prize! E-mail complaints, moans, groans, bitches, whines, etc. to Send anything I'd like to hear to Have fun, and remember: A sin a day keeps God away! -5iNtek Industries "We don't make many of the sins you commit." "We make many of the sins you commit better." (No, you can't really win a prize for telling me what you think.) If you like e.e. cummings, then ///go:;,to-hell(()))).;\\ If you are reading this, you have no life. You're still here? Fine. If you want to stay, you can clean the cellar. (Fricking kids) What do you want? What are you expecting to find? Ummm... okay! You've found the secret message! Congratualations! Didn't work, huh? Why don't you go watch TV? There's probably something on worth watching. No, really, I mean it. Go away. Now. NOW! That's it. I've had it. This is the end. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! Thought I had you there. "Shit piss fuck cunt cock motherfucker and tits." -George Carlin There is no cow level. Stop trying to find it. All the pictures about it are fake. Blizzard has said it themselves.
Smack Dist. Guitar 1 Dist. Guitar 2 Short Snare Bass Drum Hihat Open Hihat Closed Bass Hit 1 Bass Hit 2 Clean Bass Reverse Cymbal Snare Drum Lead Guitar Tom Piano Smack -Elwood Dist. Guitar 1 -Jarvis Dist. Guitar 2 -Jarvis Short Snare -Legend bassdrum -Legend Hihat Open -Legend Hihat Closed -Legend Bass Hit 1 -Necros Bass Hit 2 -Necros Clean Bass -Pulse Reverse Cymbal -Pulse Snare Drum -Pulse Lead Guitar -Jarvis Tom -Not Sure Piano 1 -Pulse Piano 2 -Pulse Piano 3 -Pulse Piano 4 -Pulse Piano 5 -Pulse Piano 6 -Pulse
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