kaiowa_-_staterem.xm (kaiowa_-_staterem.xm)
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State of Mind >-----------------< <C>omposed by: Kaiowa / Sorrox This tune is my Contribution to Tp5 Multichannelcompo. Greets: Sorroxdudes ,Merlin,Buzh,Heywood, ,Calvin,Dominei,P-Nut Torgeir,Are and the rest of Dz, Tmk,Snoopy Froggy,Hybris,Liket, All at #daskmig,Disc- Man,Thefear,Gollum -> (well...Gollums grave) ALL MUSICANS IN THA WORLD!!! keep on Trackin' ----- More -------> Per Anders Remme Lagmannsgate 11 3900 Porsgrunn Norway tlf: +47-355-59524 "Space, Where time becomes a loop" Ranged data from FT2 Wofx.fx0
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