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The Poclet Tanks soundfont returns and it brought new tricks! I figured out how to make false time signatures by skipping the needed lines. In this case, the last measure of an 4/4 time (8-count) is cut out to make a 7/4 time signature. So it goes like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, skip 8 and go back to 1. 16 April '23 FigureFarter
Piano Bass Ride Cymbal 3 Sine to Saw Strings Snare Drum Bass Pick Sine Wave Bass Drum Synth Pad Organ Ride Cymbal 1 Guitar Hrmx. Crash Cymbal 2 (aka Eliran Ben-Ishai) In-game music for Mike Ride Cymbal 3 Sine Mod. Strings Snare Ac. Snare Sine Wave Synth Pad Organ Ride Cymbal 2 Pocket Tanks game. Crash Cymbal 2
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