Jumbo Trip (jumbo_trip.mod)
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. Composed by . gdm of looker house . and split air . 4channel edition . for bfg'99 party . tracked in few hours . 25-26.02.f99 . Russia - Moscow .enjoy, this's a piece .of psychadelic art .even 4ch and so .short... it kicks. .tracking psy-stuff in .is a real asspain .so, even dont try it .at home. you'll lose. .greetz to: ira, dmd, .dyer, xpeh, manwe, .ird, juggler, shin, .tangerine, fastshadow .and no one else. http://listen.to/ split.air .note: this song was .tracked without any .use of ft2 commands .all samples converted .to 8 bits Bring to normal .MOD Format By XPEh/LKR/SA.
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