round borin' (viraxor_-_round_borin.xm)
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by Viraxor/The Noodlers, Aug-Oct 2024 - butterflies/intro (0:00-0:58) - tell me do you want me (0:58-2:58) - thinking 1 (2:58-4:33) - delivery (4:33-6:10) - thinking 2/outro (6:10-7:00) unbeatable my ass! greetz to moonshine, fuckingz to... moonshine much better than my earlier long progressive endeavour, give us the cheese (which kinda sucks at some places now that I look back at it) but I find it fine since I didn't even listen to prog before, the main inspiration for that one was chinqua by nagz, which was my first touch with anything even remotely progressive. the inspiration for this track is obvious :) hope you like it!
amen crash amen small kick (hat?) amen kick amen snare amen loop synth bass bell synth vibraphone loop pwm bitcrushed cowbell bell synth 2 synth string tellmewhatyouwantmetod orch hit saw synth (150%) cool break 303 raw (added loop) square synth (loopfix) let the bass be loudah amen crash amen small kick (hat?) amen kick amen snare amen loop synth bass bell synth vibraphone loop pwm bitcrushed cowbell bell synth 2 synth string tellmewhatyouwantmetod orch hit saw synth (150%) cool break 303 raw (added loop) square synth (loopfix) let the bass be loudah
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Single-handedly nuked Round Robin, even without MoonShine participating!!!!!!!!!