untitled (fastandfurious.xm)
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Fast & Furious Sounds. Pam vien.wav Fast & Furious Sounds. Fast & Furious Sounds. untitled Fast & Furious Sounds. Bat Suite.wav Rythm Long.wav Vien 3.wav Hit &.wav Son 10.wav Son 5.wav son 9.wav 909_ohh.wav arpb3.wav Fast & Furious Sounds. Digital 1 M1 MS2.wav Shik.wav 808 Open HH Shrt.wav org nod C.wav pizzi Synth 3.wav Synth 1.wav Synth 2.wav Synth Acid.wav Vien.wav untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled
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Interesting. I like the drum work. There are some tuning issues and the orchestra hit is of low quality. The sample quality is very different from sample to sample, so it's not the most stable track ever.