2ckL6-AcidPools (2ckl6acidpools.xm)
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Ah so there all gonna be like that. i look forward to seeing what else you have made. this song sounds pretty cool.
Sincerely NEPTUNIUM237
Internal Texts *
Atari1 Atari2 Atari3 Atari4 thin 18/07/24 Square hihgdensity st-19:d-50kitaro 303 Acid liner little bass st-73:dmscratching say-reheat say-nonstop D50-DAnaPad M1_Piano_C5 Atari1.wav Atari2.wav Atari3.wav Atari4.wav TISNthin.wav Brie cheese halucination 19/07/24 21/07/24 31/08/24 01/09/24 midnight 16/01/25 25/01/25 (Patch) InstaSquare.wav hihgdensity.wav st19d50kitaro.wav 303 Acid liner.wav creditsforsampling.wav st73dmscratching.wav reheat.wav legally precarious nonstopnostock.wav legally preacarious DAnaPad.wav M1_Piano_C5.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Has its own atmosphere, I love how this tune starts. I still don't like that you didn't tune that Atari though :D