2ckv4p2-Menu-v3 (2ckmenu3.xm)
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the hoj-poj of samples, mixed with the panning is fun. nice and concise sounding.
Sincerely NEPTUNIUM237
Internal Texts *
Sine (Panning) Sine (Static) ST-10:strings st-10:stimsound (v1) ST-19:tar.vc (v2) st-88:awesome (v3) ST-34:xjunkbazz2 26/10/24 Js7maj Js7min st-16:bailchord1 st-16:bailchord2 female (v4) bass.piisi hoi-alt hoi-minor hoi-major effect3 effect1 effect2 holland st-15:strings8 PH50-Fineglass DESERT1.NEW NTRDRHI dx_stmaj arcadia.st (v5) ohme.st ofmjoozick2months st-88:k1-cap'n'power ST-89:jarre4 ST-24:t2.hardstring ResonatixLight ST-01:Strings7 japanesebell choir-01 choir-02 st-06:work-voice (v6) ST-03:ff-vocall (v7) zoovoice1 zoovoice2 zoovoice3 zoovoice4 st-01:perco ESQ-SineReverb 3oscFilter synth231 1880e21a14 177bf21330 InstaSquare.wav Excsessive sample use InstaSquare.wav ST10strings.wav st10stimmsound.wav ST10tar.vc.wav st88awesome.wav ST34xjunkbazz2.wav 27/08/24 1:33am 28/10/24 8:53pm 04/11/24 8:35pm 05/11/24 12:09am 22/12/24 1:24 24/12/24 11:26am-2pm 25/12/24 CHRISTMAS 26/12/24 alot of music Js7maj.wav Js7min.wav st16bailchord1.wav st16bailchord2.wav female.wav bass.piisi.wav HoiTitle-04.wav HoiTitle-05.wav HoiTitle-06.wav effect3.wav effect1.wav effect2.wav holland.wav st15strings8.dur.wav Fineglass087.wav DESERT1.NEW.wav NTRDRHI.wav dx_stmaj.wav I love this Sample I love this Patch Big atmosphere arcadia.st.wav ohme.wav ofmjoozick2months.wav st88k1capnpower.wav ST89jarre4.wav ST24t2.hardstring.wav ResonatixLight.wav Strings7.wav japanesebell.wav HoiLevel45-01.wav HoiLevel45-02.wav st06workvoice.wav ST03ffvocall.wav zoovoice1.wav zoovoice2.wav zoovoice3.wav zoovoice4.wav st01perco.wav SineReverb.wav moogStyle2oct2.wav synth231.wav 1880e21a14.wav 177bf21330.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Another really good song with great sample picks and some very unique ideas. I really like the sinewave part.