Sivertsen - Thrust! (thrustgs.xm)
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FINALY !!!!!! This module was Created & Sampled By Gjermund Sivertsen ---------------------- ----------------- --------------- Orginal Sid by The legendary ROB HUBBARD ---------------------- For good coments... use this adress: --- Snail mail( write to ) Gjermund Sivertsen Flaktveitvn 461 5091 Flaktveit NORWAY Other regards to: Frank Botnevik Thor Erik Rödland Niklas Sunnhordvik Martin Hellerud Grim Berge Anderst Hindenes Nicholas Öyane --> Nathalie Leithaug Selma Vabö Christine sunnhordvik ODA ODA ODA ODA ODA These are my friends --- ( If you want to add some, mail me. ) I'm very sorry for the BIG sice of this mod, but I decided to make it best as possible, so it would sound like the original SID. Besides, most people has many GB hard- drive..... A meg wont make any different....... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Back to game..... Thrust is one of my favorite games on the C64. I remember when I was eight years old. I recorded this sid directly from the game , and I used to listen to this music when I went to bed in the evening........... By the way...... as you may have noticed, this mod has very many instruments. It is a new record !!! --------------------- The e-mail adress I gave you, may not work after 01.june 98 After this date, you can send your fan- letters through my friend: Frank Well I also have other things to do than writing this bullshit ............ =) Thanks to Torben Bjerregaard for the good site on the net! :) (: Merry Christmas Finished 30.Aug.1997 --- by Gjermund Sivertsen Gjermund Sivertsen Flaktveitvegen 461 5091 Flaktveit NORWAY ------------------- -------------- ------------ ---------- -------- Thank you, Rob created by Gjermund Sivertsen ORIGINAL BY ROB HUBBARD Hubba Bubbard Går på folkehög- skule. I have also made a mod with Selma singing....... Christine: Du 'e rarest NIM ODA ARKANOID OLLY_P OST SKINKE BUSSEMENNER ENEVALD FLÅTEN YYYEEEAAAAHHHH ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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