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Through The Light (aa_light.xm)

Info Summary

  • aa_light.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 254.97KB in size and has been downloaded 15656 times since Sat 1st Mar 1997 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 26
  • Downloads: 15656
  • Favourited: 6 times
  • MD5: 18540cd2612738cd33fefad47829778a
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 14
  • Uncompressed Size: 254.97KB
  • Genre: New Age

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Arne Puszelski on Mon 27th Jul 2009, rated 7 / 10.

This song is similar to Therapy´s "Diane", but it´s nice, very smooth and melodic. Enjoyable!

member Posted by SoDa7 on Sun 26th Jul 2009, rated 9 / 10.

Great feeling and chord progression in this one. Thanks for sharing this great tune!

member Posted by BtMe on Sun 19th Jul 2009, rated 8 / 10.

Another nice track from Aa just has that lovely upbeat feel to it just makes it stand out from the rest.Overall a lovely tune also nice to have playing away in the back ground

member Posted by m0d on Fri 10th Jul 2009, rated 9 / 10.

Just great :) Excellent piece.

member Posted by Stary on Mon 31st May 1999, rated 8 / 10.

Through The Light is a slow synth ballade with an intriguing percussion beat and a good bass line followed by a quiet and melodic lead tune. This song is a masterpiece when it comes to building up a mood and conveying a feeling to the listener. The sample quality is good in this song, which is pretty important when it comes to these slower tunes. The song has an almost perfect length, ending before it gets boring but long enough to avoid an abrupt ending. A plus also to the nice format of the song, the story in the sample space could keep you occupied while you listen to the song, more than once.

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Info Internal Texts *

Produced by
ArchAngel of Enforced

 One night, the sky
spread its clouds and
through the light an
angel descended.
The angel hovered
above the sea and
held out her hands.
She lightened up the
surface beneath her.
In fact, the whole
surrounding shone like
it had never shone
before. You could see
it miles away.
Every creature in the
vicinity came to be-
hold the great wonder.
The angel floated away
towards land. All the
animals followed her
with a great reliance.

 When the angel had
reached land, a huge
crowd of people stood
filled with joy and
welcomed her as if she
were their own sister.
The angel spoke to
both animal and man.
She said, that they
should follow her to
a world without desti-
tution. In this world,
nobody would feel any
anger towards anybody.
A single brotherhood
of flourishing crea-
tures. This world did
never seace to exist.
It kept growing for
all times without
loosing any capacity
such as food.
  The Angel asked them
to follow her to this
world beyond the
  None of the living
creatures could not
resist such an offer.
They all waited for
the angel to send them
away... So the angel
did. She held out her
arms and the clouds
spread, bringing forth
a giant beem of light.
All the living crea-
tures became stunned
by the warm and
inviting light.
The angel told them
that the journey now
will begin.
In a second all the
creatures began rising
towards the clouds.
  The light fainted
away as the creatures
of life surged through
the clouds.
The angel kept
hovering above land
until all creatures
were gone. Then she
rose towards the
clouds and the great
light vanished with

If you want to contact
me in some way of
so please do...

Voice: +46-8-51050570
 Nils Ingvarsson
 Avtalsv. 21
 187 50 Täby
BSS Messages at:
 Abstract (WHQ):
+46-8-658 31 37
+46-8-462 98 95

Blargh... It's raining
And I HATE rainy days.
The only positiv thing
about rainy days, is
that you have a very
good reason for
sitting in front of
your computer and
tracking loads a'
  Hm... the writing-
space is almost
filled up now. So I'll
leave you with
this message:

- If you want to have
sex in front of some
dudcar in the middle
of the winter, it's
perfectly ok !

Take care people!

HaidiHo Mighty Foe
(greets in instr.win.)
The Guitarr

This is probably
the most soft tune
I've ever done.


I hope you like it,
coz I really do.

I'd like to send
some greets to
these people:

 All members of
* Enforced 96 *

[Heard by Oolite
you won! :) ]


[Still going strong
huh?... Oh, by the
way, I'll kick your
rebel-ass in Duke :)]

Hmm... that's about
it, hehe... so far
 This cute little
story of mine was
written from aprox.

23-04, I just couldn't
stop ( once you've
pop, you ca-a-n't
stop! ) writing =)

This module was
created the 14th
of September '96


* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
