Enlightenment (cz-enlig.xm)
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"Enlightenment" melodic trance by CyberZip of Nebula 12th of April 1998 Songlength 7'18" mail. cyberzip_swipnet.se web. cyberzip.home.ml.org This song started originally out as a remix-thought of a song by Psychad, but it turned out as a completely different song. My deepest gratitude goes to: Psychad, for making that tune that inspired me to create this. Ufool, for helping me out with those great samples and melody ideas. Zillion, for giving me those good tips! .REMEMBER. If you borrow samples then credit the rightful samplers wherever possible. Thank you. Greetings to Ploffer,Velocir,TnK Millenium,Broil,Savage Xilian,Monz,DJ Unique HaCKa,Nitzer,Mysterium Russo,Mr Joy, Progg Equel,Tenchikun,Sonic Inferno,Hecktarzuli _ Copyright 1998 Ville"CyberZip"Koski Stockholm / Sweden Space Pad cyberzip.nebula Sampled by Monz TR909 Hihat TR909 Hihat Crash21i.wav Goa Snare 4 Strings cyberzip.nebula Space Pizzicato cyberzip.nebula Is there life on mars... Mars... TR909 Snare Swosch TR909 Ride Tambourine Space Eyeeehehe- -eeeyeee... Trance loop 1 Dance Bass 1 cyberzip.nebula Pad cyberzip.nebula Space SFX cyberzip.nebula Pad cyberzip.nebula Sweep Ody-bd02.wav ufool. Synth Lead Solo Lead cyberzip.nebula Synth Blipp cyberzip.nebula
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