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SEEING IS BELIEVING Jay/Xpl (_see.s3m)

Info Summary

  • _see.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 771.84KB in size and has been downloaded 15289 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 32344
  • Downloads: 15289
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 8fb0a9705ea843089a8b92c1d8bcd867
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 15
  • Uncompressed Size: 771.84KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Techno

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (8 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by m0d on Thu 17th Dec 1998, rated 8 / 10.

Well this mod starts off nice and slow, easy going with a cool tribal drum beat... It progresses further with crunchy explosive sounds which then introduce an echoing "comping" piano routine... After this the mod is suddenly taken into a fast techno beat with some great bass/drums sequences. The piano melody contiunes thoughout most of the mod with a couple of breaks here and there, it can get a little repetative. Some rather nice synthy TB303 sounds are in here too, making it really stand out with a punchy techno bass line. It follows on like this for about another 2 minutes with a few new ideas introduced here and there. The tune ends after about 6 minutes with an ending that sounds similar to the intro, it works quite well. Overall: A super punchy techno track thats well worth downloading and listening to. It got some great synth progressions but unfortunatly its let down a little by its over-repetativeness. A Scream Tracker module that sounds brilliant is hard to come by, this one comes close with great use of tracker programming effects, these include, panning, echoing and dymanic accenting. Some of the samples are a little crunchy sounding, which makes it seem to distort in places, but its nothing major to worry about. Overall: A well written mod by an artist with good knowledge of the tracking software's capabilities.

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Info Internal Texts *

\    //
\\  //
 \\//   |\  |
  //    | \ |
 //\\   | / |
//  \\  |/  |
/    \\ |   |___

-(>Explizit Presents<)-


  (Play with Cubic for the
   best result!)


 Composer: Jay
 Style: Melodic Trance
 Duration: 6:02
 Samples:  29 (8-bit)
 Channels: 15 (Stereo)
 Tracker: ST3.21 (S3M)


 Hey! Here's Jay again!
 Thiz time with a style
 what I think is also kewl
 beside Rave.. : Trance!
 Yeah! I always buy
 Trance Nation CD's and
 I think they are great!
 I hope thiz is a
 "Deep in a Dream"Beater!
 I Hope you like the track!
 Btw: The Voice "Seeing is
 believing" is from Ravelab
 Hope ya enjoy the tune!
 Greetings time!


 Neophite Ch:ilm Madmax
 Thunderbass Morphine
 Landslide Batjo Komah
 Armadon Heretic Sonic
 Blowbrain Phoncie! Kaotix
 Maverick Dynamix The peric
 Keith3o3 Dac Spleen Rave-r
 Starfox Infra Spike Sturm
 The Undertaker Dirtbag
 Radical Lightwing Modem
 Paranoid-man Mailman
 Dr nuke & beasty bass
 X-it Darkwin Wildcard
 Sander Iceman Thunderstrk

 Everbody at the Scene!

 [ THNX TO: ]

 Heretic:for the breakbeat
 Sturm:for some Acidsounds


 Armadon! welcome to the
 winning team!
 now you're a Musicmaker!


 Haven't got my Sl1210
 Compo II release"Ready to
 flow"? then leech it at
 Sl1210! It's worth yar
 credz! Don't forget to


 That's Possible! (ohyeah?)
 Just leave a maily at
 Sl1210! Reactions are

 [c] Jay / Explizit
 1996 July
 Ochten, The Netherlands

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
