Tales of the Krynn (a-krynn.it)
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"Tales Of The Krynn" by minomus of DOMU ComputerknightS (CS) release for Solata's installer. http://computerknights.dafh.org Visit if you're interested in learning cracking/gfx/tracking and stuff. Sample credits for this one: Warder #1 Awesome #2,# 5 FC #3 Gargoyle0 #4, #6 Sean Marchall #7 BeaT #8, #9, #10, #11 Jase #12 lesnik #16 It's too short and too crappy (though the "old" sound and 8-bit samples weren't accident). I like the style but I'm not really good in trackin' this stuff. Anyways... Greetz: -every memeber of ComputerknightS (CS) -grl (great that someone likes my songs :D), Libris and others at #modarchive _ Espernet -#mod.fi _ Espernet -everyone at funktio.org Contact: minomus_vituttaa.net www.modarchive.com/artists/minomus www.mikseri.net/minomus (mp3 releases) 17/3 2003 minomus
Tales of the Krynn by minomus of DOMU CS release for installer program by Solata check comments minomus_vituttaa.net 17/03 2003
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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