Abby someone (abbysome.xm)
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---------------------- "Abby someone" Time: 3:36 min Tracking time: 5 h Marki 11/99 ---------------------- Some samples ripped! Well, sorry about the crapy voice sample! Couldn`t make it any better... Visit my artist page on Mod Archive! Bye!!!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Overall, i found this to be a very good peice of music... I'll start off by saying when you first start playing "Abby Someone", it has a darkwave-ish style to it, but not too much later you can definitely tell out the ambient/atmospheric feel, and shortly after, is accompanied by a soft drum'n'bass feel, and then the mix is accompanied by an exerpt (seemingly anyway) of one of those really old black and white horror movies, kind of odd addition, but overall, it playes out very well, and at 3 min, 39 sec, it doesnt get old very quick... I personally found this to be a very cool song, and is in my favorites... Well, nothing special here, other than some panning adjustments and volume settings... At 32 channels, there is a lot going on, but it was all pieced together very well, the instuments are good, nothing spectacular, but still pretty good... Overall, id say, "Great Job!" so, to Marki, Great Job!