Ah Robyn. (ahrobyn.mod)
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Posted by warhawk on Thu 15th Nov 2001, rated 4 / 10.
This 4 channel .mod is obviously a tracker version of a 500 year old tune written by William Cornysh. This is a rather simple tune, built up of pretty lonely instruments. Either its one instrument playing, or another. That makes the tune feel kind of empty and incomplete. Maybe thats what the artist had in mind though, so ill go with it. Typical Amiga instruments. The melodies are pretty ok, though nowhere near professional. I guess it sounds ok. You may love it or you may hate it, personally im not so impressed. Maybe its one of these tunes that grows on you =)
This 4 channel .mod is obviously a tracker version of a 500 year old tune written by William Cornysh. This is a rather simple tune, built up of pretty lonely instruments. Either its one instrument playing, or another. That makes the tune feel kind of empty and incomplete. Maybe thats what the artist had in mind though, so ill go with it. Typical Amiga instruments. The melodies are pretty ok, though nowhere near professional. I guess it sounds ok. You may love it or you may hate it, personally im not so impressed. Maybe its one of these tunes that grows on you =)
Internal Texts *
call flute blubzing flute voices.sam ringing piano ahhvox duhh laaa aahh big brass esqdouvo.sam haha.sam hallbras.sam belltoll.sam horns.sam orchestra ********************** This piece was written in the early 16th century. It is nearly 500 years old. A haunting ballad by William Cornysh... ...a composer and poet of the court of Henry VIII. Based on a poem by Sir Thomas Wyatt.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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Cute little song; an old piece of music with some "modern" twists available with sampling and Amiga music software.