Ambrozia (ambrozia.xm)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 13th Jun 1999
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It captured my imagination back when I first started getting into music and it still does, almost a decade later! I love this module.
Great classic by Jogeir AND Scorpik. Adam "Scorpik" Skorupa made a lot of fine modules back in the day. I think I have to go through my old archive and post some of his music here.
Too much different content inside. I dont like the comlexity.
...give you the original tune cut on 417sec.
I think if you dont like it you will in the original tune not find this content ...
Totally excellent.
Clear, clean, and good tempo.
One of the best melodies I've ever heard. I'm not exaggerating: I have a list of 17 songs that I call "The List", and Ambrozia is one of them. It's amazing, nothing short of 10/10.
(By the way, Jogeir's Imaginary Voyage is also on the list.)
Woah, really nice tune. I love how the guitar is done and the bass. The drums are nice aswell :)
A very epic ambient piece. I actually first heard this in a DOOM II mod, and after hearing it loop a few dozen times, I thought, "This is awesome! Who the heck wrote it?"
As arrogant of a name as "Noiseless Productions" might seem, I think these guys have pretty much earned it.
Simply wonderful. Establishes a rich and consistent atmosphere throughout. Every minute of this great ambient piece is worth listening to.
Absolutely great track by Jogeir - great melodies and great ambient. Download this excellent composition and listen!
The music in this tune is... sublime. Its great. It has been tracked obviously with great care and attention to the multiple synth and lead tunes which blend virtually seamlessly together with very little repetition in tune. The tune seems to be thematic. Different ideas within the tune are represented very competently such as the crossover from pure ambient to a dream trance style later on in the tune. I wish I could think of more to write as this tune is worthy of any harddrive. Get it. All the time and effort which must have gone into the creation of this tune really shows in the tecnical aspects. Samples are perfectly chosen for the music, and have been really well cut as they do not pop or click, and loop really well. The effects are well chosen and help the tunes blend from one pattern to the next. There is very little hiss in the instruments (the intro synth has slight hiss), and overall much care and attention has been put into the creation of this music. Approx Time : 12:24
Internal Texts *
---------------------- 'Ambrozia' by Jogeir Liljedahl & Scorpik Pulse / Noiseless ---------------------- Noiseless Productions has now got 3 members ---------------------- Jogeir Liljedahl-JL Kim M. Jensen-Jason Adam Skorupa-Scorpik -this update: 13.2.97- ---------------------- jogeir greets: adept - unreal - tim jason - laxity - geir wave - shorty chris - scott - groo moby - joachim scorpik greets: . . . . . . unreal camel falcon key G dan raiden bartesek probe moonlighter distance virgil finished on: .... 02. 97
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Very adventurous tune, it gives me some Deus Ex vibes. Clocking in at ~12 mins this song, I must say, as a lot to offer.