The Ode to the Hardest (
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//-=The Ode to the Hardest=-\\ //-=Song by Analysis=-\\ I'm a part of: -------------- _ ||----\ -------------- /_\ ||----\\ || // \\ || \\ || // \\ || \\ || // \\ || // || // \\ || // || // \\ ||----// || // \\ ||----/ || // \\ || || //_____________\\ || || //_______________\\ || || // \\ || || // \\ || ||he // \\lpha ||roject Boy, this " art " looks bad.. Heh, I decided to bring out a simple, hard, and pumpin' trance-track. And, It worked out well, i think. You may call this tracne, if you know whut that is. This is supposed to be tracne.. :-) I've just added new note panning to limit the channels used. And!!!!! I've made my own vox.. Special for this song :) My first vocal, so give me any advice how to make those voxes better! Greetz to loads of ppl TAP CR Yomi-records abyss cheejay Samplemaster Mondo Special greetz to Xcalibur, Masenka, Impulzer, DJ Shout, DJ Bourg, Aaron Doucet, XeeGee, Promimus(Perox), Mondo. Also I've read the comments from Acecream on Your victory awaits from Xcalibur. That Was very usefull, You have learned me what new note action is. Probally without knowing of it, but thanks you really helped me with that. copyright TAP
All(-1) samples ripped Authors unknown Self made vocal!!!!!!!!!!
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