-flowerdub- goes XM (an_flowr.xm)
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- flower * dub - Composed by: A n d e r s A k e r h e d e n Release date: 97-08-22 ---------------------- reach me at: ----> andersak_hem. passagen.se http://hem. passagen.se/andersak ---------------------- This track was originally made using my keyboards and a regular sequencing software. But since I've grown pretty tired of all my synts and decided FT was more suitable for my needs to experiment I've pretty much put that sequencing thing aside for a while. However, I DO want to share some of these left behind tunes with all you people out there. Hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is very welcome. ---------------------- Support my composing!! and I'll inform you of all my new releases. Simply deposit your contribution to my postal giro account: 131 68 60 - 4 or if you'd rather send a postcard. ;-) ----> Anders Akerheden Klaragatan. 18 214 34 MALMOE SWEDEN Or try and find me on ICQ!!! ---------------------- Best regards to these dudes: CaesaR, BBD, Refugee, Everflowing, Simon Champion, ScottZ FOSH, MP, PFS, TFU, and all you poor bastards I forgot. ---------------------- Love and devotion to my dearest treasure LISA!!! ---------------------- Preferably use FT2.0x for playback. Mod4win works ok. Haven't tested Cubic Player or any other players. ---------------------- Total playing time: Approximately 4.20 Style: Guess it's a kind of Synth/Soft Acid sound to it. Homepage release of: -flowerdub- Released: 97-08-22 ====================== (C) A. Akerheden ====================== hiharp/SY-77 hihat/unknown bass/unknown tomdrum/unknown bdrum/unknown hihat2/unknown snare/unknown *1velo/D-10 *2velo/D-10 *4velo/D-10 *5velo/D-10 *6velo/D-10 *7velo/D-10 oohh/me voice/me orchhigh/SY-77
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