Believe in Angels ? (angels_.xm)
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Aberration presents: ---------------------- -(Do You) Believe in Angels? ---------------------- Songlength: 4.37 min Finishdate: 991207 Lead Vocals are ripped from song#14 "Angels" on Dj Dado s album "greatest hits and future bits" Buy that Album If you have'nt already ! You won't regret it ! aberration ---------------------- ---------------------- Aberration1_hotmail. com
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A little tune with lots a voice samples ripped from DjDados tune Angel. The voice reminds me very much of Enya. This tune is very basic, strings, piano and bass and hihat. It´s a good song but it´s nothing new. but without the voicesamples this wouldn´t be much of a song I´m afraid. big and robust!! 1500kb zipped, the samples are ok. good duration at 04:36. Really impressive piano that fits very good into the song. one thing that is good is that they made the voice "fit" in the tune, I have heard many tunes there they have voices and they really don´t fit into the music, but in this tune it fits really good. If u like Techno/dance/dream tunes, download this!