Temporal Anomaly (anomaly3.xm)
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bassline left bassline right set of drum samples midnotes left midnotes right highnotes left highnotes right phased sawtooth mostly, just mixing by Shark Byte geocities.com/ wajamala Bassleft.smp peavey predator (guitar, that is) Bassrt.smp Bassdrum.smp Snare1.smp Clap.smp Snare2.smp Tom1.smp Tom2.smp Closecym.smp Opencym.smp ripped, i dont remember from where Midleft.smp Midrt.smp Hileft.smp Boort.smp Sawtooth.smp ripped from "bodyheat.xm" of Igneous
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Inspired samples, a theme that stays with you, and dripping with attitude, this song is worth a listen. The melody is fairly simple, with few variations during the song, but enough to rate enjoyable. It would have been nice if the notes had been written out, instead of building it out of huge samples, but it still sounds good, for all that.