\-=Sky Knights=-/ (apr-sky2.xm)
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___|___ -----------__----------- ______[(_)]______ /Sky/Knights/ __\_____/ \_____/__ * /|\ * |`--'| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Apprentice v 1.05 Released 12-October-2000 to my friends v 1.05 Released 15-October-2000 to www.modarchive.com v 1.15 Released 19-October-2000 to modarc. under apr_sky2.xm This is my first MOD, slightly modified to become version 1.15 runtime roughly 1 min. 28 sec. Except where noted, all samples were recorded from my Casio CTK-515 keyboard using a dubbing cable from the headphone jack and connect- ing it to my Sound Blaster Pro's LINE IN jack (yes, it is a real SBPro... I've got some XT's around here somewhere, too! ;^) This is my first serious attempt at composing a mod... as I'm sure you could have guessed, but then again, I have heard some real garbage being passed off as music, so I guess I stand at least a CHANCE with someone out there... (^:? Bear in mind I have no experience in composing or even computerizing music as I write this, so in time I ought to be pumping out some decent material. This tune seems oddly familiar to me and I have no clue why... I made it myself. It entered my head and would not leave, so I tracked it with ModPlug Tracker 1.12.0131. If I knew a little about effects, I'd have had better results. However, I don't have the desire to study at the moment, so maybe my next mod will be worth the download. I also thought about making it around 3 times as long, but my patience runs thin sometimes and thus it did not happen, so I guess this would make a good candidate for a T.V. show theme song or something, eh? Let me know what you think... Any 'artist' who can't take constructive criticism is not really an artist at heart... The Apprentice (And I do hope I haven't "borrowed" anyone's name here... It just seemed a fitting name for someone who's still learning!) Bagboy6437_aol.com Proverbs 3:1-6 Greetz are few: --Artists I don't know and the works of theirs that I liked-- Nightbeat--"Approach"... nice work--keep it going! (and Steadfast, and Return 2 the Dream, and...) Jogeir Liljedahl--Whoever you are--Guitar Slinger--AWESOME--LOVED IT! Fabian del Priore-- .aVIATORs. -- very nice track! mcgmed_gil.com.au--Schpog (milkcaps from down under?) Productions- -1963 Valiant... LMAO for some reason (?) Death Adder--Phantom of the Opera---I see you, too, are a marching fan... (this one made me wish I could sing ?;^) --People I've never met in person-- Jeff N. G. -- Good luck with the business! <--showed me "GSlinger.MOD" Michael L. G. -- Maybe I'll write a "Daytona" theme??!? (And ALL the members of Yahoo! club "daytonaperformance") Anyone know where I can find the "Day--Oh!" version of the Banana Boat song? You know, the one from Beetlejuice... And finally, my next mod will probably have something in it to describe who I am... Keep watching!
Piano 2 Elec Organ 1 dead silence Snare Drum Bass Drum Closed Hihat Open Hihat Casio 515 - 01 Casio 515 - 10 dead silence popsnare2.wav bass from same hihat from same Open Hihat from Casio
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Swooosh!!... ok so much for an intro. This song starts with a simple piano and a snare. Shortly after some silent sinewaves acts as background sounds, and some more soft sounds enter. According to the artist this is his first attempt to make a module, and for that, it isnt really that bad. It's actually a quite nice ballad. Even though i wouldn't advice anyone to release their first tune, this one is good enough, but while not being overly exciting. Simple sounds, simple song. It's actually quite a basic song, not completely surprising since its his/her's first tune, appearantly. The samples arent really that great, i could see a kilo of improvements to this song, like better sounds, some effects to make it more interesting, better leads, more variation. It's hmm, ive said this before, quite basic, but it does not sound bad at all, it could just be better. Conclusion, simple song which may not make you go wild and dance (ahem.. it's a ballad) but still a nice listen.