The Warped Sintony (aws_tvsh.xm)
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The Warped Sintony End Part -------------------- Composed by AWESOME of exw.wb.insd.pdm.pfs _1998. Victor Vergara ---------------------- This is a present for you all. This module is the last part of a song I composed for a TV show. I just fixed it to make a full module, since I'm not gonna release the full song, 'cos I was asked not to do it by the show managers... I just hope you find this piece a bit interesting... Catch ya later! To contact me for commercial music, games or movie soundtracks, just write to: Unauthorised copying, reproduced reserved. hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this XM module owner of the work producer and the Well...I'll write some greetings...but I'm really getting tired of this... =) Spx greets to all the SIMO'98 attenders, specially Naiad,Yakare Naif,Turbobit,Sergiodj Noisyman,Stratos,PTS, and all the #stratos crew... also wanted to greet the following cool dudes: Skaven, Elblanco, my new friends of PFS, reptile, Stein =), Loonie, Basehead and also to Hydrox, Iceman Trackman, Spock, Hunz, and...AAARGHH!!! I can not remember any more names!!!... Consider yourself in the list above if we are friends. =) My best wishes go to my girl... Aurora. Kicktjak.wav Woof_135.wav Dr_90s.wav Gd-snr9.wav P-fx1.wav P-hhc1.wav 002.wav Shicl.wav Dr_90s.wav Lowbas10.wav Tamborin.wav Gabst~11.wav A3_mf_l.wav Mbs_05~1.wav Ptine2.wav Wave0003.wav 055.wav Industry.wav Os#2_f#1.wav Hit5.wav Prophe10.wav cymbal.smp Dr220-3.wav Bestend.wav 909-ohh.wav Bdhh.wav High Roll Wave0000.wav Wave0000.wav Wave0000.wav Wave0000.wav Keyspad.wav T22_05.wav T22_04c3.wav T15_01bd.wav T15_01bg.wav T15_01cl.wav T15_01cp.wav T15_01op.wav T15_01cr.wav T15_01cr.wav flugzeug 007.wav 021.wav D50-07.wav P-kick2.wav kit : techno kick Subass.wav kit : snare kit : elctro tom kit : snare2 kit : tamborine kit : hihat (pedal) kit : hihat (open) kit : hihat (close) FX Phaser (c) Internet by mnemonic m1.filter3-2
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Awesome added this to his collection as simply the end of a TV show theme song he made. At less than 2 minutes, and with fairly little variation, I really couldn't spare to give this any higher than an 8 :P A wide array of percussion and an FX phaser sample (panned) top this off, with a synthesized lead playing a light melody and some of Awesome's often-used "warped (what a coincidence!)" strings. However, I don't feel this to be a very interesting work. Common Awesome, with a number of ripped samples. See my older reviews for more info.