Piano Concerto in G-Major (azo_pc1.it)
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Piano Concerto #1 in G-Major Third Movement - Allegro by: Azo Well, I released my fourth concerto first, and I liked the way it turned out so much, I decided to rework the the trusty "Number One." I wrote this piano concerto when I was fifteen, so my technical ability and capability of understanding and executing complex phrases was not yet fully developed. At the time of its writing, I could not perform this piece, due to the left hand difficulty in the opening stanzas. Throughout my life and career, many have told me that this is my best work to date, though it is not near so complex and countermelodious as the fourth in the concerti series. It is truly a simple work, very remnent of early Beethoven and Burgmueller concerti. I would have to say that this is easily my happiest work to date, even though it is quite old. Normally I write in minor key signatures, and examine strange timing patterns that add a dark flair to my original works. This is not true of Piano Concerto #1. It is written in a major key, and has a nice "bounce" to it, consistant to the style of the early Classical period. There is a portion of it that turns dark, however, and it is still one of my personal favorite melodies to date. Though the styling is not as mature as most of my later works, it still carries the melody with its intended depth. This Third Movement is short compared to most concerti, which save the finale to be the longest of the series, stunning the audience with a grand finish, and hopefully leaving them perpetually awaiting the next work by the composer. I chose to make this movement short because of its simplicity. It has very few complex phrases, which puts little strain on the ear of the listener. Finished December 08, 1998 Total Playing Time: 5:40 Questions? Comments? - Email me at <jworley_onramp.net> -Azo (a.k.a. Jesse Worley)
Piano Short Piano Long Piano Staccato Low Strings High Strings Pizzicato Strings Short Strings Piano Concerto #1 (G-Maj) by: Azo Press <Shift+F9>
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This song stinks. It could have been a lot better, but the beginning just kills it. Nothin in the beginning sound on tune. Same goes with 2 minutes into the song. I have no idea what Azo was trying to accomplish. It's nasty. Old sounding samples, quick song, with nothin relatively new. Parts of this song sound good, while the rest of it just plainly hurt the ears. It could have been better if different instruments were used. This song is 5:38, way too long.