Rough Times (b_rough.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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-Rough Times- Composed by: Boomerang I wrote this song for a guy who killed him- self in my neighbour- hood this weekend. =( He became 18 years old Anonymus 1980-1998 10th of October -God bless him- E-mail: "Sometime in life there will come a rough time for every one of us and i hope that u know > > that God is with u wherever u are. So u have nothing to fear." Boomerang -98 t: 3:22
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A nice short ballad. It captures kind of a sad feel, and it should. It seems the artist made it for some poor 18yearold dude who killed himself in his neighbourhood. Plain samples, nothing fancy here. A few synths, bass drums, and piano.