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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 22nd Dec 2023
The Good StuffSummary
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cadra of sublogic corporation music przntz " d i g i t a l n o v a " for the cynical records tracking compo, spring 2002 this may be somewhat energytrance-ish, but still, this is about as cheesy as it gets for me... yes, i do this deliberately, albeit on caffeine. ;-P i tried to squeeze as much of my own style out of the samples provided... it's not like i had much of a choice, eh? if you're waiting for the heavier cheese to start, it's behind the string bit, starting around 6 minutes and 40 seconds into the track... i know this piece of music is a bit of a long one, but this is the way i did it (and the usual way i do it), and since there is no time limit mentioned in the compo rules, i can just do it like this. which i like. actually this track is a remix of the ancient track "oddcore" by myself, but the original was a) utter crap, b) made years ago and c) totally and completely unlike this track, so i gave it a new name. please play with impulse tracker 2.14 with mmx filtering (duh)... it actually sounds better when exported to wave format, since it214's realtime mmx filters tend to 'pop' below Z40, especially when using healthy doses of resonance... oh yeah, please don't fastforward! for any comments or just a nice chat or whatever, you can mail/msn me on or icq me on 53726445. for more choonz go to or or even greetings and the like to: sublogic crew, the ppl behind this compo, ihs crew, dwp crew, vulcan, shivah, jape, torbjorn of ean, dx and everyone else i know and everybody who digs my sounds, even if only slightly. thx. especially thanks for running this compo, you guys. this is what gives us back a little glimpse of that ol' demoscene feeling. :-D goodnight. "i want to know the thoughts of god. all the rest is subordinate." -albert einstein
leadoneone leadonetwo leadonethree leadtwoleft leadtworight nicebass plainbass acid lazarus2string percusleft percusright ring oh cp ch cc reverse boom bd tamb clubby compo notes: these instru ments are my own if you h adn't noticed yet and eve n care. shift f9 for song message lead_one /crcompo lead_two /crcompo linebass /crcompo semichipbass/amp /crcompo acidbeep/amp /crcompo lazarusstring/amp/crcompo percus/loop /crcompo ring /crcompo open909 /crcompo phatclap /crcompo closed909 /crcompo crash909 /crcompo reversecrash /crcompo bigcrash /crcompo kick/amp/inverted/crcompo tambo /crcompo clubloop/loop /crcompo compo notes: i amped/norm alized and/or looped some of these, tuned most of t hem to fit the need, and inverted the kickdrum (#1 5). i assume i'm not viol ating the compo's rules.. shift f9 for song message
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