Caliente (caliente.s3m)
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, - , jota ennen se jo oli , tiedäthän , kyllä tiedät johan sen kerroin Tässä oli siis koko tarinani Ethän nukkunut? ...,ethän,ethän,ethän... COMPOSTED BY TERO-POLI ¡Caramba! ¡Los perros están en el lavabo! Actualmente soy un terrón porque la vaca me volvió loco. ¡No me diga! ¿Por qué no soy bien del coco? ¡No sé! Esta composición es muy Caliente, como puedes ver. Hay letra en inglés pero no hay en español. And also for you Spanish-illiterates, you are being presented an unbelievable chance to enjoy the "lyrics" of this composition. There are words only for the chorus but I guess that'll be enough Here we go: "And the warmth of the Sun brought the peace to my mind And those days made me alive again Getting back to those days is attempt doomed to fail But I still wait for summer again Where I'm at: Säätiö loves you all! (now and forever)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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