camelride...magstyle (camelmag.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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i am proud of this song. I think the beat in it is my best yet. please excuse the harsh language...there is only 1 f-word. i invented my own scale for this song and it shows hehe i love the wierdness music making is so boring otherwise because i always get this feeling that everything i do someone has done b4. -MAGNUS string Flute Kettle Arab break 1 xr10.xi (8K) clap cow_lo.xi (5K) vangelis.xi (31K) chiflead.xi (62K) │ ╒════════════════════ 1.wav 2.wav 3.wav 4.wav Beat.wav
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Very Unique track,the beat here is very cool,i`ve never heard something like that before.. the melody here is very weird,sounds like an indian flute... Many people will say this tune is just some crappy samples thrown into a track,but some people will say this is a fun track. u decide whatever u want,I like this.. :-) This probably took magnus just a couple of hours to make.. the samples here are average,but magnus used them pretty good,and magnus used some funny voice samples,they sound pretty cool with the track ("i`ll just click one stupid key and this will repeat all over again",hahahahaha)