BARAKA whatsdapoint? (baraka.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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I made this song after watching the movie baraka it is a must see rent it out from your video store now!!!!!! it will change the way you look at life. i warn you tho, its pretty deep. its even better when your trippin off your rocker :) - Magnus MR SELF DESTRUCT no musical talent whatsoever samples taken from nitro9.xm its in the top ten at if you want to check it out email: magnus_wootton goto my artist page _ for more songs!!!!!! they are all different from each other of various skill levels i am getting better every song I make.
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This is one unique MOD! The intro and the ending are great, as are most parts in between. The main theme before the break is rather repetitious, but from there on out it's one interesting, mind-bending twist after another. The backward (I presume) sample in the intro is fantastic, and the rest are as well. Excellent choices where instrumentation is concerned. Seemingly unrelated musical ideas fade seamlessly in and out of the mix during the interlude (near the middle of the song). The effects are very subtle yet very effective.