Got Raped By A Cat ▐ FUNNY? (cat.s3m)
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(C)opyright Marko Kettunen, I guess, although it's not really needed for this one, because this is supposed to be nothing more than therapy of some kind or maybe it was just my dead squirrel, who likes to vomit over people's property and fuck other domestic animals I have... Including my stuffed parrot Harry... I have brewed beer since 1730 or so... Babylon 5 - what a great series... Have you ever seen a giant mouse dancing on a core of Intel Pentium II? No? Would U like to bite my fruitcake which I decided to give away for charity, because my dog died when tried to swallow it... Or was it my idiot-cousin, don't really remember her first name... Maybe it's Cornelia? Still have some sort of doubt about my skills... What comes to school, I mean... Maybe the Earth really is flat and all those stars up there are just a some sort of practical joke made by some unemployed guy, who has no life of his own and has to fill his bumhole with a bloody big cactus or a dead cat, who by the way raped me this morning, and what did you want to hear? Farting? I would love to pass some air, but haven't tried broccoli for God knows how long time... I want to SCREAM because I've tracked this fucking song for some 90 mins or so and ... WHo cares... Some sort of mumbojumbo for PASI: jiorojfjjmhjäääääääähhhh!!! . h4hh4hhröööööööögggghh!! - Foeoriääääfhghhpppöööööu! Okay... --- 5 YEARS --- OF COM PO SING MUSIC --------------------------- Music: Marko Kettunen Text: Mr Kettunen also Inspiration 4 this one came in a plastic bag!!!!! It was a dead fish.... --------------------------- THIS ONE IS A JOKE JOKE JOKE JOKE --------------------------- Greetings go to: THE USUAL BUNCH OF PEOPLE.... 1999!!!!!!!! --------------------------- JOKE!!!!!!!!! PEPEPEPEPPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPE RRRRRRKELE!!!!!! ------------.-.-.-.........
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